Healthcare, Humanity, and Technology

(389 words) How do we leverage amazing technology while making the healthcare system more human? My niece, Mei Mei, is two years old but fits into the clothes of a one-year-old. A simple cut to Mei Mei’s toe bleeds for days, and her mom prays for a positive...

Social Responsibility, Meaning, and Sales

Is (sincere) social responsibility a powerful sales tool? My son comes into my office during a conference call. “Dad, can you read me a book?”  “No, Reuben, I’m on a business call,” I answer. No sale.  But then Reuben starts crying . . . and we’re lying down reading...

Surfing History

(377 words) Do you sometimes wish you could learn to surf rather than bear the brunt of life’s massive changes crashing over you? My five-year-old, Rayden, always dives right into the ocean, no matter how huge the waves. When Rayden was smaller, he would get pummeled....