Where’s the heart in corporate social responsibility (CSR)? The day of my wedding, I tied my tie and re-combed my hair for the fifteenth time.

“We’re headed to Mrs. Robino’s for dinner tonight!” my lovely queen informed the family. “No! I want Chinese!” First my youngest son, then my middle son, then my eldest son demanded, in turn.   

It happens rarely, but when all three sons are aligned . . . they win.

My three kings.

Business leadership faces three ‘kings’, as well, each supporting corporate social responsibility (CSR). At the Weinberg Center’s annual Corporate Governance Symposium at the University of Delaware, firms representing one in five ​​investor​​ dollars spoke about corporate governance. Senior representatives from Blackrock, Vanguard, and CALSTRS each vocally supported CSR, at least in part, as a way to support decision-making focused on the long-term. In a recent survey, 75% of respondents in a recent consumer survey said they are likely to start shopping at a company that supports an issue with which they agree. And employee engagement, retention, and productivity increase with social responsibility

With investors, customers, and employees all in support of corporate social responsibility, business leaders must meaningfully engage.  

No matter where you fit in business, slow down and engage in socially responsible activities. Enjoy the satisfaction of doing good for others, while experiencing the most wonderful of business trends.  

Fully integrating your socially responsible actions into your core business to maximize profit and purpose requires new insights, tools, and greater collaboration. Yet, by doing so, you can find yourself more engaged in your work, energized, and even healthy, while you benefit those around you.  

Current support for CSR is strong, but how about in the future, after the next recession?  

Share your thoughts in the comments or by sending me an email: info@RodWallacePhD.Com.

Our society cannot just survive. For the sake of our children, it must thrive.


Dr. Rod Wallace​ is an economist, consultant, and speaker who helps businesses make more money by solving society’s problems. A Fulbright Fellow, he has led multi-organization billion-dollar initiatives worldwide and partnered with a Silicon Valley pioneer to explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence on society. 

Rod speaks about how to integrate social responsibility into business to maximize profit and purpose. He highlights digital technology’s impact on society and the strategies and tools with which business can solve our big, systemic problems.

Contact Rod at ​info@RodWallacePhD.com​.