by Rod | Feb 26, 2019 | Technology and Business / Food
Have you ever wondered why so many parents provide unhealthful food to their kids? I laugh as my son makes ‘muscles’ while eating his eggs and banana. He’s got it: those foods are good for him. But, then my son asks about chocolate. I try, “Well, cocoa ingredients are...
by Rod | Feb 12, 2019 | Technology and Society / Culture
(404 words) The term ‘neighbor’ used to suggest warmth and human connection. Today? “He waved,” Ming said. “The next door neighbor smiled at me and waved!” “You’re kidding. We’ve lived here six years, and he’s never said a word to us,” I replied. “Are you sure that...
by Rod | Feb 1, 2019 | Technology and Business / Food
As Jack Frost comes to town, how do you stay warm? Do your business activities leave you feeling toasty inside? You do your best. Hopefully, your bed’s rockin’, the ceiling’s shakin’, and the ice is melting on the eves . . . but one night stands provide heat, not...